Year-end listmaking (again)

Here's the real 2011 year-end list, which is of course not limited to music, since in my opinion 2011 was a terrible music year. Exceptions to that would include City of Ships' Minor World and the new Decapitated and Blindead records, but I wouldn't even attempt to put together a top ten list for the year, since I can't think of ten records I liked that came out this year.
Best of 2011:
-Populist uprising in general (don't care what you think of Occupy, this was important and needed)
-China (this has nothing to do with "tourism")
-Europe/Russia tour (finally did Europe right)
-Kitty Hawk
-(Re)discovering Thomas Köner's entire catalog, all of which is fantastic
-Rosetta's friends and fans (the Kickstarter, FB-bombing Air Canada, feeding us, housing us, playing with us, etc.)
-Marisa in Madrid-Barajas Airport
-Battlestar Galactica
-Having a home and enough to eat
Worst of 2011:
-The music industry
-The airline industry
-Being away from home for 122 days, apart from wife for ~135 days
-American politics
-A world ruled by incompetent plutocrats
Labels: Personal, Photography