
Less digital

Polaroid type 557 emulsion transfer
4x5 view camera / colored strobes

Chihei Hatakeyama - Minima Moralia
Loscil - Stases (available entirely for free here)
Pulse Programming - Tulsa for One Second
Kayo Dot - Dowsing Anemone with Copper Tongue
new Rosetta recording for Balboa split disc

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Last Saturday:
I took the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Type II test with several friends. The effort required to suspend that very vocabulary was enormous. Type I had 72 questions, Type II has 176. This is phenomenal.

My idol of self-knowledge (unattainable, I know) appears to be not so much narcissism as an obsession with developing a schematic understanding of precisely how one can have a sense of "belonging" in community. MBTI is particularly useful in standardizing a shared vocabulary with which to encapsulate a particular subset of this kind of information, so it can be communicated more expediently. As such, it helps to move beyond just "you are different from me" to hows and whys of difference, expressed in a systematic way.

This is exactly what drives all the Sensor-Feeler people nuts.

Also, Lent didn't start last Wednesday. It starts this Wednesday. God gets an extra week of self-denial.



Thesis item #1

Finally, some video (from a thesis all-nighter):

Generally speaking, this project is about consumption of violent images and the "cue system" that image consumers use to determine what is "real" versus what is "fake." The images initially appear purely formal, then gradually activate more mental cues until it becomes clear that the situation is in fact real.

What you "see" here:
+ Stop-motion "progressive drawing" -- prototype for a series of eight faces, mostly famous dictators. I'm also using some purely abstract animation.
+ U.S. Military footage from inside a tank as it destroys a burning Iraqi vehicle
+ Chechen rebels beheading a Russian soldier



Tungsten film = uh huh

1. Midterms are over. Lent starts tomorrow.

2. Call my phone and listen to the greeting. You will be glad you did.

3. Also, contribute to my Johari window which, I suppose, is nothing more than yet another manifestation of the self-knowledge fetish. Speaking of which, I'm taking the MBTI Type II test this weekend. My unbridled glee knows no bounds.

Boards of Canada - Geogaddi
Sunn o))) - 00Void
Stars of the Lid - Per Aspera Ad Astra
Arovane - Atol Scrap

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Yes... again. Doc project for Color II (light cycle). WCAU #2, late morning.

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Makeout time

While I'm avoiding a rather trivial art history paper:


"I like nice men."
"Yeah... you're a real hero."
"Scoundrel? I like the sound of that."
"I am not a committee!"
"And then we just float away, with the rest of the garbage."
"Helloooooooooo, what have we here?"
"I thought they smelled bad on the outside."
"Good morning. Nice of you guys to drop by."
"Hey, that's my dinner!"
"Afraid I was gonna leave without giving you a goodbye kiss?"

And the best exchange in cinematic history:
"Stop that."
"Stop what?"
"Stop that. My hands are dirty."
"My hands are dirty too. Whattayou afraid of?"

These will hopefully all be turned into song titles for a semi-ironic (I know, I know) stoner jam band, which will most likely be called Superdupermulletcore.

(Tell God thank you for Lawrence Kasdan)



Meditations of a non-initiator, part 1

Approximately two years ago you asked me in a charming email to go to a rock 'n' roll show with you. I was flattered because you didn't seem like the type who would want to hang out with me. We ate Indian food and you paid for my ticket. It was sublime. I didn't pursue it further, even though it was obvious I should have. You must have thought I was terribly dense, or just a space cadet. Or maybe, I misread the entire situation.


Wade Gosselin took these pictures in Maine:
