Tech: Pedals
It occurred to me that a few of you who read this might be interested in some more mundane tech stuff. People ask about pedals more than they ask about amps and guitars. This is the effects setup I use touring with Rosetta. I just rebuilt it to accommodate some new components.

This is completely nerdy but I like talking about gear. Usually when we tour with other bands, one of the early friendly connections is gear talk. It's like shop talk, or book talk, or hey-you-like-Twin-Peaks-too talk.

This is completely nerdy but I like talking about gear. Usually when we tour with other bands, one of the early friendly connections is gear talk. It's like shop talk, or book talk, or hey-you-like-Twin-Peaks-too talk.
Now let's get some amp/guitar breakdown in here as well.
Haha, sure no problem.
whoa..... it's like--- a network.....
I just read your "about me" section and the quote on consumerism. Remember the last time I saw you and LS in McNeil? I used to have Community Economic Development with Prof. Lamas on Tuesday afternoons there. Anyway, I remember earlier in the semester, maybe September, I had read Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto for class. The idea of psychological isolation and four types of alienation (from product, work, humans, and self) actually originates from Marx's critique of capitalism during the Industrial Revolution. I feel as if Richard Stivers stole that quote from Marx. Regardless of whose idea it is, it's funny how Marx is so applicable to our modern day society, no?
Yeah I think Stivers is directly alluding to Marx in that section. He also cites Durkheim's concept of anomie in the same part --- I think he's taking both of them and applying them to this weird contradiction where we exalt individualism on one hand, and a totalitarian media on the other. You should check out the article in full (you'll find many other Marx parallels, though Stivers is primarily concerned with "morality" in the context of consumerism):
Oh and one other thing I forgot... Marx's psychological isolation owes a lot to Alexis de Tocqueville's concept of psychological "weakness" and how he defined isolation in the context of dissent from popular opinion.
I sorta weaseled my way internetly here and recently I have The Galilean Satellites on heavyyy rotation, more specifically the track "Au Pays Natal". So seeing this pedal board map is really inspiring.
My band played its first show with you and Daywithoutdawn in Connecticut (Lucid The river) and you guys stayed at our drummer's house. I was b lown away,... it was kind of like a soundtrack to suffocating in outer space
I'm really fuckin looking forward to seeing you guys play again.
Thanks man -- I remember that show and it was a lot of fun. And I remember I told you guys not to get a singer, because I really enjoyed the sound instrumental, as it was. :)
Yeah i remember that... we actually got a pretty bad at heeding advice. this coming friday we'll be playing back to back. our drummer is throwing the show, i cant friggin wait
yeah! this is nice. now some pictures and information about amps please.
here in finland is definitely winter going on. temperature is -35°C.
i know you posted this a long time vocalist just found the site. we were supposed to play with you in albuquerque, nm but you guys had some van trouble from what i understand. anyway, i was wondering what that boss digital dimension pedal does. i've never seen it before.
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