Burning the old life

We burned everything left over from Linshuang's 9 months in New York. Client presentations, business cards, plane tickets, hotel stationery, bank statements. This is our altar, a burnt offering of sorts that recognizes that the final offering has already been made, and that our peace comes only with substitution. It is liberating to destroy the artifacts of the past, while creating an artifact of liberation itself.
Labels: Construction Production, Personal
I guess thats true. But what are we? Human beings? Or are we becoming human beings, when we are doing what God created us to do... to praise Him?
Btw. Have you listened to I Pilot Daemons, it is really good stuff.
yeah, greatness...
Yes I agree with you. But we had to be freed first before we could start becoming real human beings and doing what we were made to do. And to be freed, there had to be a substitutionary sacrifice. Doing this burning was a way to unload a lot of emotional burdens while at the same time recalling the finality of that sacrifice, and remembering why we have any freedom in the first place.
ummm can you please send these pictures to MOW?
No, I just pronounced seven woes on all of Mercer Consulting and am currently waiting for God to strike them down.
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